Why Schools In Denver Need Security Window Film For Safety
School shootings are on the rise with no end in sight anytime soon. Which means schools need to consider new ways to protect students from gun violence here in Denver. Locked glass doors and windows provide very little protection because a single gunshot easily penetrates glass windows which are easily the weakest security point of any building. In fact, most schools don’t have bullet resistant glazing or even laminated glass, just tempered glass–leaving them exposed to would-be attackers. Tempered glass, which is what most schools already have for safety and security, does little or nothing to keep intruders out because it shatters completely when struck. For these reasons and more, “bulletproof” glass is something for school administrations to think about using in their schools. There is no such thing as 100% “bulletproof” glass rather–bullet-resistant. And, although there are a couple different ways to make glass resistant to bullets, window film, applied with C-bond adhesive and housed in a specialty attachment systems are is the best option for most schools–find out why below.
The Benefits of Safety And Security Window Films For Schools In Denver
Safety and Security Film applied with C-Bond and attached to specialty frame systems is especially good for school because it is cost-effective. So there is a lower barrier of entry to schools working with smaller budgets. This makes window film more accessible and when it comes to protecting schools– that is always a good thing! Window film is also significantly less thick and bulky than laminated glass or bullet resistant glass layers–making it more functional for an educational setting. Window film, on the other hand, is just a thin film on top of your existing windows and often includes other beneficial properties like.
- Glare Reduction
- Energy Efficiency
- Solar Control
However, this thin film is still extremely powerful–enough so to stop many calibers of bullets. So it has the final benefit of saving lives. Security window film does this by keeping glass in place after a bullet-strike, thereby stopping glass fragments from exploding out to maim or kill and giving students and staff precious time to get to away and/or hide and more time for police to get there. All this means less death and destruction during an attack with windows treated with security films than with windows that are left untreated.
For more information on window film as an added layer of security for your Denver school, contact us at Custom Tint Solutions-Denver today.
About The Author: Mike Kinsey
Mike Kinsey is the Chief Operating Officer at Denver Commercial Window Tinting and has been installing window film for over a decade. His background includes years of experience in the construction industry as well as extensive project management. Mike oversees all day to day operations at the Denver branch, including onsite management of window film installations, sales, and customer relations. His knowledge of security, privacy/decorative, and energy efficient window film products is extensive, giving him the skill and aptitude to select the ideal film for any application. Mike's expertise is backed by certifications from 3M, EnerLogic, and AIA for continuing education.
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