Many people today are aware of energy saving window film for the home. They are also quite familiar with the kind of window tint that darkens the windows in vehicles to block some of the sun’s harsh glare. But did you know that there is also a window film for your car that goes right over the front end and protects your paint finish?
With this type of window film for your car, you will protect its value over the years. There are a lot of things that can mess with a car’s beautiful, new, shiny finish. No matter how many coats of wax or sealer your vehicle’s manufacturer put on it before you drove it off the lot, time and the hazards of the road will definitely degrade that finish.
But with paint protection window film for your car, it can look as perfect year after year as it did the day you had the window film installed. Here’s how paint protection film works: this thin urethane product is self-healing. It is professionally applied to any of the parts on your car’s front end, including the hood, the fenders, and anywhere else you want it. You will barely be able to see it once it is applied, and it will not alter the beautiful clean lines of your vehicle the way one of those bulky nylon “bras” will. You’ll be able to wash and wax the car as usual.
But paint protection window film for your car forms a surprisingly strong and durable barrier. Rocks, debris, shards of glass thrown up from a passing vehicle or blown off that dump truck in front of you will no longer mess up your paint job.
And then there are the corrosive elements that Denver drivers face on our streets and highways. Paint and asphalt, de-icers, snow melt, sand and salt, the hazards to your car’s finish are many. If you drive off road, you have no idea what you might encounter.
Why not use the paint protection window film for your car that will keep your finish protected from whatever it might encounter? We are proud to offer top of the line paint protection and other vehicle window films from industry leader Llumar. We also offer a UV protection window film that blocks any damage to your skin from the cumulative effects of the sun’s UV rays burning through your driver’s side window, as well as a heat-blocking window film that will keep your car cooler in Colorado’s blistering summers.
For more information about paint protection window film for your car of any of our other vehicle, residential, or commercial window film products, please give us a call today.
About The Author: Mike Kinsey
Mike Kinsey is the Chief Operating Officer at Denver Commercial Window Tinting and has been installing window film for over a decade. His background includes years of experience in the construction industry as well as extensive project management. Mike oversees all day to day operations at the Denver branch, including onsite management of window film installations, sales, and customer relations. His knowledge of security, privacy/decorative, and energy efficient window film products is extensive, giving him the skill and aptitude to select the ideal film for any application. Mike's expertise is backed by certifications from 3M, EnerLogic, and AIA for continuing education.
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